Suppose you are having trouble organizing your belongings. It would be best to start decluttering your home by following the ideas from one of the most famous cleaning Guru Marie Kondo. The ideas that she is offering are some of the most eye-opening things you can read to help you declutter your home.
In this article, we will be discussing the different types of ideas and tips from Marie Kondo to help you declutter your home. You can instantly organize your home by simply following these easy KonMari tips.
Save Space By Folding And Avoid Hanging Your Clothes
Most of us individuals are accustomed to hanging our clothes because it will only take you a second, and it is one of the most convenient things to do in terms of effort and time. All you need to do is grab a hanger, and you can quickly store your clothes inside your closet. However, by changing your clothes, you are taking too much space from your wardrobe.
One of the main ideas from Marie Kondo declutter tips is for your household to maximize every inch of space you have. Hence, folding your clothes will help you to have more space in your home. If you are having trouble folding your clothes, Marie Kondo also has some tips on folding your clothes effectively where you can neatly tuck them inside in one place.
Declutter Before You Organize
This next tip may be an obvious thing to do when you are organizing your belongings. It would help if you started decluttering your stuff before you manage them. Moving your belongings from one part of your room to another will only create an illusion that you have an organized space. Hence, to properly manage your room, you need to declutter your things and start thinking whether it is valuable to you.
One of Marie Kondo’s ideas is to throw away the stuff that you merely use and do not have value to your everyday living. An alternate action is by giving away your things to your friends that may come in matter with them or by selling them up into the market so you can maximize the value of each item.
Track Your Progress
One of the things you can do to track your progress is by taking a before and after picture of your room. Sometimes you will be demotivated in organizing your room because of the feel of no significant improvement. Hence, to help you appreciate more about the things you have done to organize your room and get motivated in keeping the phase in organizing your space.
To give you a more detailed explanation, for example, you are organizing your CD storage box; you can take a picture before you start organizing them. Make a list of the CD storage boxes that you think will be effective for your situation, and track your progress by scanning the pictures and organizing your progress.
Falling In Love With Your Closet
One of the most underrated ideas from Marie Kondo is by giving yourself credit for the things you have done to make your room organize. You can appreciate the efforts that you made in your room by staring at your organized closet. When staring at your organized closet will motivate you to continue and make an effort to have an organized space throughout your life.
Show Respect To Your Items
One of Marie Kondo Ideas is to show respect to the items that you decluttered from your home. It would help if you showed your respect and appreciation for the things that have served you their purpose for years. Treat them similarly like a friend that will be gone to your life for a long time and might not have a chance of coming back and rejoicing in the things you remember from them.
Before you let go of your belongings by throwing, donating, selling, or giving them away, make sure to appreciate it. You should take responsibility for the decision you made and acknowledge what the item has been valued in your everyday life.
Decluttering and organizing your home may be one of the most challenging things to do, especially if you do not have the proper guidance. Hence, following some of the Marie Kondo tips to help you with your supposed decisions in organizing your home can help you big time. These are some of the lists from Marie Kondo, and you should explore more on how to manage your home.